
A former Michigander living in West Hollywood, CA. In October 2021, I moved from Lansing, MI to Los Angeles, CA and was able to cross the country with just my thoughts (and a carload of junk!). This move has given me fresh perspective on how to interact with and write for the world. As an avid adventurer, traveller, hiker, cook and foodie (and more!) developing new perspectives is necessary to further my writing and leadership.

I focus my writing on storytelling, publishing process, community engagement and writing for the public by using communication, collaboration and community as core values. 

Working as a professional grant writer at Los Angeles LGBT Center, I help facilitate, manage, and develop foundational, institutional, and philanthropic relations. These relationships evolve into grant invites to provide budget relief to programs and services supporting homeless LGBT seniors and youth, free medical (primary and mental health), and housing options. COVID-19 has impacted in-person communities, so I am honored to be working for social justice and help rebuild the world.

Click to read my full professional and academic experience.